Experience Caving
On Foot
We walk, crawl, climb, and wade through cave passages.

On Rope
Left: Grotto members dropping into the Seiko Sink entrance to the Edwards Aquifer on two 75 foot rappels.
Photo: Geary Schindel
Top right: Rare trip exploring passage on the lower lever of Robber Baron Cave.
Bottom right: Tight crevice entrance

In Water
There are caves in the San Antonio area with underground rivers ready for exploration and recreation for experienced and prepared cavers.

There is much to learn about the importance and fragility of life underground
Left – Baby Bats were discovered in Robber Baron by Aspen Schindle. Look closely to see the third baby under the momma.
Whether just passing by or pausing to take photos, we are mindful not to disturb or remove creatures as we visit them in their underground home.

Discovery takes on many forms in caving.
Left – Joe Mitchell discovered an ancient Aztec jade pendant in Midnight Terror Cave in Belize. The artifact is estimated to be about 1300 years old.
Right – Marvin Miller (far right) regularly heads digging expeditions for new caves.